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Special Features

Private Messaging: We enable private messaging for the direct communication between employers and candidates. This feature improves engagement and simplifies the recruitment process.

Advanced Search & Filter: Our advanced search options and strong filters allow candidates to filter job listings by various criteria such as location, type, experience and the salary range.

Job Alerts & Notifications: Our job alerts and notification features for job seekers with options for setting alerts based on keywords, job types or location.

Candidate Tracking & Management: The employers can manage users’ profiles and applications, including filtering, sorting, downloading CVs, approving, rejecting, creating a meeting, and messaging the candidates.

Video Job Descriptions: Our platform allows employers to create video job descriptions to showcase the company culture, workplace environment, and job requirements transparently.

Company Profiles: The company profile pages, which allow employers to showcase their company information, culture, values, and benefits, to attract top talent.

Apply Options: We provide the candidates with a wide range of application options to choose from internal, external, email, and phone applications.

Featured Job Listings:  Our featured job listings allow the employers to have their job listings appear at the top of search results or on the homepage of the website without any cost. (Limited to corporates with a company size of 1999+ at the moment.)

Social Login: Users can easily log in using their existing social network accounts from Google the worlds most popular email address without the need to create a separate account. (Login through LinkedIn, Facebook and X are coming soon.)

Related Job Listings: we offer a unique related job listings functionality that allows candidates to view other job listings based on their interests.

Ratings and Reviews: We allow the candidates to rate and review the companies. This can provide valuable feedback for both candidates and employers and help to build a healthy hiring community across.

Application Deadline: The employers can set the application deadlines for each job listing. This can help to ensure that candidates are aware of the deadlines.

Video & Audio Interviews: We provide the options for integrated video and audio interviews such as using video conferencing, Skype, or Zoom, to facilitate remote job interviews.

Social Media Sharing: The website provides options for sharing job listings on social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook, to increase the reach and visibility of job openings.

Automatic Job Expiration: we provide an automatically expiring job listing after the specified duration, of 5, 10, 20, 30, or even 45 days. This helps us to keep the job board fresh and relevant.

Advanced Reporting & Analytics: We provide an advanced reporting and analytics features, including dashboards, charts, and graphs, to monitor job listing performance, user behavior, and other metrics.

Email Notifications: Our platform provides a highly customizable email templates and notifications for candidates and employers such as job alerts, application confirmations, or interview invitations.

Resume/CV Management: The job seekers can upload, manage and edit their resumes or CVs with the ability to attach them to job applications using our ” comprehensive” digital profile builder.

Job Listing Moderation: The employers can moderate job listings before they are published with options for reviewing, editing, or rejecting them based on certain criteria.

Multi-language Support: The website is available in Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil & Telugu at the moment allowing users to access the job board in their preferred language and enabling a smooth and efficient execution..

Customizable Branding: The employers can customize the branding, such as logos, colors or fonts, to match the look and feel of the employer’s website or brand identity.

GDPR-compliant Cookie Notices: We take the security seriously. Our site has GDPR-compliant cookie notice informing users about the use of cookies and provide options for accepting or rejecting them.